Which acid is produced in the stomach, and what is its approximate pH?, What products are obtained when an acid is reacted with a metal oxide?, Explain what is meant by oxidation and reduction in terms of electrons., Give the equation for the reaction between Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium hydoxide., How do you prove that you have Carbon dioxide gas?, How do you prove that a gas is Chlorine?, Why are metals high in the reactivity series likely to corrode?, What compound is formed from the thermal decomposition of Calcium carbonate?, Give a definition for the word "alloy" and give 2 examples., Give the electronic arrangement of the element Potassium, How many protons, neutrons and electrons in a Calcium ion?, Explain what isotopes are and give an example, What predictions did Mendeleev make about the periodic table?, What are the flame colours of the first three metals in group 1?, If a compound had a blue-green flame colour and gave a white precipitate with Silver nitrate, what would it be?, Give an important use of the gas Argon and explain why it is useful for this?, Give three properties of Noble Gases (Group 0), What would happen if you were to mix a solution of Sodium bromide with Chlorine water?, What three things would you observe on placing a piece of Sodium on water?, Give the equation for the reaction between Sodium and water., What products are obtained from reacting an acid with a metal carbonate?, Give a word equation to represent the rusting of Iron, Give three reasons why it's a good idea to recycle metals., Give three uses of the rock limestone, Give two pieces of evidence which might help you to identify a metamorphic rock., Explain the difference between intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks., Explain what is meant by "thermal decomposition"?.
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