FTP - Used to transfer files , SSH - Used to remote into a device using a terminal securely, Telnet - Used to remote into a device using a terminal UNsecurely, SMTP - Used to send emails, DNS - Used to keep a record or the URL to IP address bindings, DHCP - Used to assign an IP address automatically, HTTP - Used to unsecurely browse the internet, POP3 - Used to retrieve an email from a server and deletes the email after, IMAP - Used to retrieve an email from a server and keeps a copy on the server, SNMP - Used to manage network statistics, LDAP - Used with Active Directory, HTTPS - Used for secure web browsing, SMB - provide shared access to files and printers across nodes, RDP - Used to view the desktop and control it from another computer, TCP - Guarantees data delivery, UDP - Doesn't guarantee data delivery, TFTP - New one used for file transfers,

A+ 1101 Protocols 2.1


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