Carbohydrates - Source of carbohydrates., Cell - Smallest working part of your body that contains your inherited plan., Nucleus - Cells control center., Tissue - A group of cells that work together to do a job., Advertising - a method business use to give people information about their products., Cerebrum - Controls thinking memories, movements and five senses, Cerebellum - Helps you keep your balance., Brain stem - Controls your breathing and heart rate., Brain - Organ that controls the nervous system., Nerves - Bundles of fibers that carry messages., Epidermis - is the top layer of your skin., Dermis - the thick bottom layer of the skin., Plaque - Sticky natural film on the teeth., Cavities - Holes in the outer layers of your teeth produced by acids in plaque., Consumer - is someone who buys products., 1st step for managing stress - Know what stress feels like and what causes it., 2nd step for managing stress - Try to determine the causes of the stress, 3rd step for managing stress - Prepare to handle a stressful situation, 4th step for managing stress - Think positively rather than negatively, The retina - passes the image through nerve signals to form a picture in your mind., Lens - bend the light to form an image., The light enters through the - pupil, Lungs - main part of respiratory system, Heart - main part of circular system, Stomach - main part of digestive system,
HEALTH GAME October 2021
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