Disfruté mucho - I really enjoyed myself, Pasamos un buen rato - We had great fun, Me aburrí un poco - I got a bit bored, Eché de menos a mi familia - I missed my family, Hice muchos amigos - I made lots of friends, Fue una experiencia muy diferente - It was a very different experience, Se daban todas las asignaturas en español - All subjects were given in Spanish, La ciudad era muy grande - The city was very big, No me gustó la comida - I didn't like the food, La comida era buena - The food was good, Le gustó la comida escocesa - He liked Scottish food, Un día fui de compras - One day I went shopping, Fuimos de bares una noche - We went drinking one night, Me perdí en el pueblo - I got lost in the village, El primer día mi corresponsal vino a mi colegio - On the first day my pen pal came to my school, El último día celebramos mi cumpleaños - On the last day we celebrated my birthday,

Higher Spanish Directed Writing 4

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