Tier 1 is:: approrpiate, effective, and research based core instruction for all students, A process that includes formal universal screening that focuses on specific skills, strategies and content knowledge, Targeted, intense instructional support within the classroom for stduents who are havin difficulty, Tier 1 is NOT:: Core instruction in which some students are successful and some are not, One size fits all instruction, Reliance on other support staff to determine a student's needs and provide remediation, Tier 2 is: : Supplemental instruction that support Tier 1, Focused and targeted on specific skills that are associated with broader academic success, Designed for students who are not making adequate progress on core skills, Tier 2 is NOT:: A replacement of Tier 1 core curriculum, Time to reteach standards/curriculum materials that students did not master during Tier 1 instruction, A replacement for English language development, Tier 3 is:: Strategic instruction that promotes learning for each student based on individual academic and lingustic needs, More intensive that Tier 2; more teacher-centered, systematic, and explicit, Conducted by instructors with greater expertise for a longer duration, Tier 3 is NOT: : General pull-out for content support, A way to remove challenging students from general education, A holding area while awaiting special education evaluation,
Tiers Sort- MTSS
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