1) What’s a work related accomplishment you’re proud of? 2) Waffles or pancakes? 3) Vacation or staycation? 4) Hike or swim? 5) Park bench or picnic table? 6) Would you rather live in a treehouse or in an underwater bunker with views of the ocean floor? 7) Do you have a secret talent? 8) What's a purchase you made that you made that you immediately regretted? 9) Would you rather have to fight a bear or a shark? 10) Do you think you could land a plane? 11) If you could use magic to do one mundane task for the rest of your life, what would it be? 12) Where was your most unforgettable vacation? 13) What's your favorite scent? 14) What's your biggest cooking fail? 15) What's a word or phrase you learned you've been saying wrong all your life? 16) Which animal do you believe could would be the meanest if they could talk? 17) What was the most daring thing you ever did? 18) What's your favorite type of pizza topping? 19) If you could have any office perk, what would it be? 20) If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring three things from the office, what would they be? 21) What food do you avoid at all costs? 22) Would you rather live in the 1800s or the 3000s? 23) Would you rather have five half-sized clones of yourself or one full-sized clones of yourself?

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