rationalization - Creating reasonable and acceptable explanations for unacceptable behavior, denial - Pretending the truth is not reality to manage unpleasant, anxiety-causing thoughts or feelings., compensation - Emphasizing strengths to make up for weaknesses, conversion - Responding to stress through the unconscious development of physical manifestations not caused by a physical illness, regression - Sudden use of childlike or primitive behaviors that do not correlate with the person’s current developmental level, reaction formation - Unacceptable feelings or behaviors are controlled or kept out of awareness by overcompensating or demonstrating. Overcompensating or demonstrating the opposite behavior of what is felt, projection - Attributing one’s unacceptable thoughts and feelings onto another who does not have them, altruism - Dealing with anxiety by reaching out to others, splitting - Demonstrating an inability to reconcile negative and positive attributes of self or others into a cohesive image, intellectualization - Separation of emotions and logical facts when analyzing or coping with a situation or event, identification - Conscious or unconscious assumption of the characteristics of another individual or group, dissociation - A disruption in consciousness, memory, identity or perception of the environment that results in compartmentalization of uncomfortable or unpleasant aspects of oneself., undoing - Performing an act to make up for prior behavior (most commonly seen in children), displacement - Shifting feelings related to an object, person, or situation to another less threatening object, person, or situation, repression - Unconsciously putting unacceptable ideas, thoughts, and emotions out of awareness, Sublimation - Dealing with unacceptable feelings or impulses by unconsciously substituting acceptable forms of expression, Suppression - Voluntarily denying unpleasant thoughts and feelings, Transference - When the CLIENT projects "feelings, attitudes, or desires" they have about one thing unconsciously onto the here and now, Countertransference - When the NURSE projects "feelings, attitudes, or desires" they have about one thing unconsciously onto the client here and now,
MH: Defense Mechanisms
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