eurkaryote - cells that contain membrane-bound organelles; these cells may be unicellular organisms or belong to multicellular organisms, ribosome - site of protein synthesis, cell membrane / plasma membrane - outer membrane of the cell; all cells have this, cell wall - extra layer of support and protection that surrounds the cell membrane; not all cells have this, nucleus - organelle that holds DNA and the nucleolus, cytoplasm - organelle that is composed of a gel-like mixture of water and dissolved substances , rough endoplasmic reticulum - internal shipping center; also makes proteins, mitochondria - organelle that releases energy through cellular respiration, golgi bodies - package proteins and ships things out of the cell, lysosome - sacs of digestive enzymes; compared to a cell's trash can or garbage disposal, vacuole - storage sacs, chloroplast - photosynthesis happens in this organelle, organelle - an "organ" for the cell,

Cell Organelles- matching memory

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