taking care of your overall health - self care, to end your own life - suicide, distress and/or problems functioning in social, school or family activities - mental illness, seemed as taboo, but necessary in the long run to remedy a problem - therapy, a person trained to give guidance on emotional, social, psychological problems - counselor, stress that's good for your health and helps you to perform better - eustress, stress that negatively affects your overall health - distress, worry and fear about everyday situations - anxiety, feelings of sadness or loss of interest - depression, establishing an unhealthy relationship with/against food - eating disorders, having an intense focus on a particular substance, thing or activity - addiction, mental, emotional, social, environmental, and physical - 5 types of health, how a person feels about him or herself - self esteem, health deals with your overall physical condition and wellness deals with all 5 phases of your total health - The difference between Health and Wellness, eat right, get balanced meals, get enough sleep/rest, avoid all types of drug use, relax, meditate, listen to music, and pamper yourself on occasion - Ways to manage stress,
Mental Awareness
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Physical education
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