1) ser/estar a) have b) go c) be d) come 2) ter a) have b) take c) look d) be 3) dizer a) get b) give c) say d) have 4) obter/chegar a) know b) get c) take d) tell 5) fazer a) come b) make - do c) get d) say 6) ir a) go b) tell c) come d) be 7) saber a) know b) come c) tell d) think 8) pegar/tomar a) look b) take c) find d) say 9) ver a) say b) go c) see d) come 10) vir a) see b) come c) look d) take 11) pensar a) tell b) go c) think d) see 12) olhar a) get b) tell c) see d) look 13) querer a) say b) want c) get d) give 14) dar a) ask b) think c) look d) give 15) usar a) take b) use c) come d) be 16) encontrar a) see b) make - do c) find d) think 17) contar a) use b) tell c) ask d) go 18) perguntar/pedir a) say b) tell c) give d) ask 19) trabalhar a) find b) see c) take d) work

Mariana - Most common verbs in general English - find the match


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