Email - Used both in personal and professional settings, it allows users to send text, files, images, and links to one or multiple recipients., Social Media - A meeting place for people worldwide. It allows 'friends' to share updates, photos, videos, and interests., Instant Messaging - Perfect for quick chats with friends, family, or colleagues. It enables instant response., Online Forums - Lets users share knowledge, seek help, and engage in meaningful conversations about specific interests or subjects., Online Gaming - A form of entertainment and a way to connect and interact with friends or players worldwide, fostering teamwork and strategic thinking., Online Surveys / Feedback Forms - Helps to gather valuable data for market research, customer feedback, and decision-making processes., Shared Document Editing - Supports group projects, teamwork, and efficient document creation, ensuring everyone's contributions are considered., Virtual Reality - Offers engaging and interactive experiences, such as virtual tours, training simulations, and educational activities., Webinars / Virtual Events - Allows participants to attend and engage in workshops, seminars, or presentations from the comfort of their homes., Video Calling - Ideal for face-to-face interactions, especially when physical meetings are not possible.,
The Purpose of Online Communication
Adult education
Digital Skills
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Варианты отмены изменения
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