1) I don't believe the moon landing actually happened. There are too many inconsistencies in the footage and not enough evidence to support it. 2) I've watched a lot of documentaries on the subject and read up on the conspiracy theories. When you look at the shadows and the flag waving, it just doesn't add up for me. I think it was all staged for political reasons. 3) I totally believe that we landed on the moon. It was a major achievement for human beings, and the evidence is overwhelming. 4) My grandfather used to work at NASA, and he was involved in the project. He showed me pictures and pieces of metal from the spacecraft. Plus, there's no way so many people could keep such a big lie secret for so long. 5) I'm not sure what to think about the moon landing. Some of the arguments on both sides make sense, and I can see why people are skeptical. 6) Sometimes I watch videos of Neil Armstrong stepping out onto the moon, and it feels like such an important moment in history. But then other times I wonder if it could have been faked. I just don't know what to believe. 7) The moon landing was real, period. Anybody who says otherwise lacks imagination and is fundamentally disrespecting the bravery of the astronauts who did it. 8) Come on, people. It was one of the most amazing things humans have done! We need to celebrate it, not tear it down. If you can't believe in something as incredible as this, what can you believe in?

Moon landing - Do you agree?


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