1) hair on the chin and lower cheeks of a man's face a) beard b) moustache 2) hair left to grow above the upper lip a) beard b) moustache 3) a game that involves the movement round a board a) bowling b) board games c) drawing 4) a game in which you roll a heavy ball down a narrow track a) canteen b) drawing c) bowling 5) a place in a factory, office, school where people can eat a) playing field b) canteen c) staff room 6) a room for teachers in a school or college a) playing field b) canteen c) staff room 7) an area that is used for playing some sports a) playing field b) canteen c) staff room 8) work that teachers give their students to do at home a) whiteboard b) classroom c) homework 9) a room in which pupils or students have lessons a) whiteboard b) classroom c) homework 10) a board with a white surface used for teaching or presentations a) whiteboard b) classroom c) homework 11) place or club where you can go to exercise a) hat b) gym c) hall 12) a computer a) classroom b) laptop c) noticeboard 13) a board on a wall on which there are noticec a) noticeboard b) whiteboard c) blackboard 14) a book used for the study of a particular subject a) textbook b) noticeboard c) whiteboard 15) a play in a theatre a) drama b) gym c) music

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