v. tụ tập, tập hợp - Visitors congregated on Sunday afternoons to view public exhibitions., n. thiên hướng, khuynh hướng - Mr Bint has a propensity to put off decisions to the last minute..., a. có thể tiếp cận, dùng được - The premises are wheelchair accessible., v. ủng hộ (publicly) - These policies have been widely advocated., a. không xác định, mập mờ - A/an are indefinite articles, a. có lợi, thuận lợi - Free exchange of goods was advantageous to all., a. khôn ngoan - He made a series of astute business decisions., a. nguy hiểm - The road grew even steeper and more perilous., a. xuất sắc, ấn tượng - There's nothing particularly remarkable about the movie., a. lưỡng lự, miễn cưỡng - Students may feel reluctant to ask questions., a. đột ngột - Our friendship came to an abrupt end., v. khen ngợi (publicly) - Her latest play has been widely acclaimed by critics., n. sự điều độ - They preached the virtue of temperance and the dangers of alcoholism., a. biến động, dao động bất thường - Financial markets are extremely jumpy, with a lot of ups and downs, n. thức uống, đồ uống - Alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel lounge., a. có tiếng tăm, nổi tiếng - You are well advised to buy your car through a reputable dealer., v. pha, ủ, chế - He brewed his own beer and it tasted so good., a. khôn khéo, hợp lý - For the time being, the sensible thing is to leave him alone., a. ngay lập tức, nhanh chóng - We can't promise instant solutions, but we can promise to listen., a. thường xuyên, liên tục - Inflation is a constant threat,
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