resentment - a feeling of anger about a situation that you think is unfair; обурення, невдоволення, shortcoming - a fault, arouse - make smb have a particular feeling or reaction; збудити, викликати, virtue - an advantage or useful quality; чеснота, alter - change, or make smb or smth change, bestow - give smb an important gift or a public reward, issue - an important subject or problem that people are discussing, humble - not having a high opinion of oneself, flawed - imperfect, amplify - increase, enlarge, tempt - attract, provoke, seduce; спокушати, reinforce - make something stronger; посилити, зміцнити, attain - achieve, reach (a desired objective or result) by effort, skill, severe - extremely bad; extreme, encouragement - stimulaion; the action of giving someone support, confidence, trinket - a small (usually cheap) ornament or piece of jewellery, tremendous - extremely good, amazing, superb, terrific,

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