What are Isotopes? - Atoms of a single element that have different number of Neutrons, What is an Ion? - An Atom that has lost or gained one or more electrons., What is Ionising Radiation? - Radiation that causes electrons to escape, What are sources of "background radiation"? - Radiation from space and from naturally radio active substances in the environment, % Sources of Background Radiation - Radon Gas 49%, Mediacl 15%, Grtound and Buildings 13%, Cosmic Rays 12% Food and Drink 10%, What is Radon Gas? - Radio active gas produced by rocks that contain uranium, How does Radon reach people? - Radon diffuses in the air, can build up houses with low ventilation, How does Radon harm people? - Radon mutates cells in the body and causes cancers, How do people who work with radiation check for radiation exposure? - They use film badges called "dosimeters" , What is a unit of Radiation called? - A Becquerel, How do we measure radio activity? - Using a Geiger counter to measure counts per second,

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