culture - set of beliefs, behaviors and traditions, art - expression of culture through painting, literature, music, film, etc., architecture - expression of culture through buildings and structures, food - expression of culture through recipes, ingredients, meal traditions, religion - peoples' belief in a god or gods, a set of practices associated with worship or prayer , history - knowledge of the past and how it affects people today, tradition - custom or way of doing things, handed down within families or other groups, cultural region - a geographic area where people share certain traits , globalization - the process by which nations, cultures and economies begome integrated or mixed, ethnic group - people with common racial, national, religious, tribal, cultural background, urbanization - when cities grow larger and denser, dialect - a regional form of a language, immigrate - move into a place from another country, emigrate - exit from a country to move to another, cultural diffusion - the spread of one region's culture into other regions, migration - movement of many people or animals from one place to another, politics - activities having to do with the government, social structure - set of relationships between a large group of people,
Cultural Geography
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