1) I ... spinach; it's my least favorite vegetable. a) hate b) am hating 2) She ... spending time at the beach during the summer. a) loves b) is loving 3) I... the importance of studying for exams. a) understand b) am undestanding 4) I ... to travel to Paris someday and see the Eiffel Tower. a) want b) am wanting 5) Can you ... the beautiful sunset from your window? a) see b) seeing 6) I ... the answer to that question; ask me anything. a) know b) am knowing 7) He ... a new laptop for his work. a) needs b) is needing 8) Sarah...playing the piano in her free time. a) loves b) is loving 9) I ... waiting in long lines at the grocery store. a) hate b) am hating 10) ... you... to join us for dinner later? a) Do...want b) Are ... wanting

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