sonnet - a controlled form of poetry that has 14 rhyming lines, poem - A written or spoken work, sometimes rhymed, expressing experiences, ideas, or emotions in a more imaginative and emotional style than ordinary speech or prose., rhyme - The repetition of final vowel sounds in words, often in a poem, visualize - to imagine images in your mind of something you might see, achieve - successfully reach an objective or goal, mourn/grieve - to feel or show deep sorrow, disappointments - failures, frustrations, restore - to return something to the way it was before, lyrics - the written words and lines of songs, Shakespeare - famous poet of English language who wrote more than 30 plays and 150 sonnets. His plays are still performed in theaters all over the world, Tupac Shakur - one of the best-selling and most controversial hip-hop artists of all time. , sorrow/woe - very dramatic words for sadness, thee - an old way to say "you", weep - cry,

Edge Blue Unit 7, Cluster 2 Part 2: Shakespeare/Tupac

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