enthusiasm - noun, high interest, excitement, shattered - adjective, broken into many small pieces; damaged or destroyed, reassuring - adjective, giving comfort; reminding someone not to worry, encompass - verb, surround or completely cover, inseparable - adjective, never apart; unable to be split up, realistic fiction - a genre of literature that encompasses stories that, while still fictional, seem as if they could take place in the real world., port - a Latin root that means to carry, dict - a Latin root that means to say, ject - a Latin root that means to throw, terr - a Latin root that means land, terrarium - a usually transparent enclosure for keeping or raising plants or usually small animals (such as turtles) indoors, prediction - to say in advance what will happen, reporter - one who reports or carries the news, subterranean - being, lying, or operating under the surface of the earth, projectile - something that is capable of being thrust or thrown forward like a rocket or missile, dictator - one who is known for telling others what to do,
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