Rule of three - Three words or reasons put together in a list. 'every village and every hamlet and every state'., Repetition - The repeated use of a word or phrase. 'I have a dream'., Rhetorical Questions - A question that does not require an answer. , Imperatives/Commands - A sentence that gives an instruction, an order or a request. , Emotive Language - Language designed to have an emotional effect on the reader. 'An oasis of freedom and justice'., Exaggeration - Making something seem better or worse than it is. 'Let us not wallow in the valley of despair'., Facts - A piece of information that is true. , Opinions - An individual's own thoughts or beliefs. 'The state of Mississippi, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression'., Alliteration - Two or more words that begin with the same letter. 'The mighty mountains of New York'. , Direct Address - Speaking directly to the reader. 'I say to you today'., Anecdote - An example or story to help reinforce your point.,

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