The Mitzvah of Purim, The Mitzvah of Chanukah, The Mitzvah of Hallel, The Mitzvah of Marriage [Asei], The Mitzvah of Marriage [Lo'sasei], The Mitzvah of the Men's obligations, The Mitzvah of Having Children, The Mitzvah of Divorce , The Mitzvah of Not Marrying your divorcee after she marries someone else, The Mitzvah of Yibum, The Mitzvah of Chalitzah, The Mitzvah of Not Marrying Anyone Else Until Your Brother-In-Law Performs Chalitzah, The Mitzvah to Judge a Man Who Convinces a Girl to Live with him as married without getting married, [You forced a girl to live with you as married without getting married] The Mitzvah to Marry the girl who was taken by force [this applies to you], [You forced a girl to live with you as married without getting married] The Mitzvah Not to Divorce the Woman Who was Taken by Force [this applies to you], The Mitzvah to Follow the Laws of the Torah Regarding a Motzi Shem Ra , The Mitzvah Not to Divorce Your Wife After Spreading Lies About Her That She Lived with Another Man While She was Married to You, The Mitzvah of Doing to the Sotah as Explained in the Torah, The Mitzvah of Not Putting Oil into the Korban of a Sotah, The Mitzvah of Not Putting Levonah into the Korban of a Sotah, The List of Forbidden Marriages, The Mitzvah of Not Marrying a Non-Jew, The Mitzvah that a Mamzer Cannot Marry a {Regular} Jewish Woman, The Mitzvah that a Ammonite or Moabite Cannot Marry a Jewish Woman, The Mitzvah that a Man Who Can't Have Children [his body was damaged] Shouldn't Marry a {Regular} Jewish girl.
Yahadus Book 2, Test 2, Mitzvah boxes
5th Grade
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