Confidentiality - The data is not revealed to anyone except those it is meant for. Even if something isn’t super secret, there is a set group of people who should see the data and no one else should be able to., Integrity - Most people think of this word in its common definition: “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness”. But in terms of data, we use the secondary definition for integrity:” the state of being whole and undivided”. By maintaining the integrity of data, we are ensuring that it stays in its original state and is neither changed nor damaged., Availability - Essentially this means I need the data to be there when I need it. If the data is stolen, goes offline, I can’t reach it, etc – then it is not available!, Data at Rest - Storage information is at rest; usually files, databases, etc stored on hard drives, USB drives, memory, DVDs, Data in Transit - Transmission being moved from one system to another or file sharing on a LAN or transfer on the Internet, etc., Data in Use - Processing file creation by user, data used in an application, being processed or placed in memory, etc., Brute Force - software programs whichautomate the process of rapidly testing All possible combinations of characters., Dictionary Attack - Software programs which automate the process of rapidly testing many potential passwords for a given account., Password Spraying - Testing a weak password against a large number of accounts., Credential Stuffing - Trying username/password from a breach in order to gain access to user accounts., Breach - When a database is exposed or stolen – can be accidental or through insufficient security or from a malicious actor attack,
Cybersecurity Unit 0.1 - 1.1.3
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