Healthy: They listen well, They're comfortable talking about their feelings, They have high self-awareness, They have empathy, They're engaged in the relationship, The relationship moves at a comfortable pace, They're willing to be vulnerable, They know what they want, They're kind—consistently, They treat others well, too, You feel good around them, They're easy to be around, They take active steps toward becoming better, They accommodate your needs, You both have your own lives, Unhealthy: Holds you back from what you want, Constant jealousy, Spends too much time with you or too little time with you , Isolated you from your family and friends, Doesn’t empathize with you, Takes more from you than gives, Monitors your whereabouts, Makes you feel guilty or bad about yourself, Frequent lying or withholding of information, Controls how you act or dress, Any form of emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, Makes you feel afraid, Doesn’t apologize, Apologizes but doesn’t change behavior, You feel like you can’t be yourself,
Green vs Red flags
Adult education
Healthy Relationships
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