1) Government led by elected representatives of the people. a) Plebians b) Republic c) Tribune d) Disciple 2) a man trained to fight with weapons against other men or wild animals in an arena. a) Gladiator b) Republic c) Tribune d) Disciple 3) A man-made channel that carried fresh water into cities. a) Caesar b) Aqueduct c) Tribune d) Disciple 4) The designated title for Roman rulers who succeeded (followed) Julius Caesar and his adopted son Augustus Caesar a) Caesar b) Aqueduct c) Tribune d) 12 Tables 5) The 200-year era of internal peace that came about under imperial rule. a) Caesar b) Aqueduct c) Pax Romana d) 12 Tables 6) Commoners in Ancient Rome who made up the majority of Roman citizens. a) Caesar b) Aqueduct c) Plebeians d) 12 Tables 7) a follower of a religious teacher. a) Consul b) Aqueduct c) Plebeians d) Disciple 8) One of two elected kings of Ancient Rome, who commanded the military and directed the government. Had limited power; one-year terms and veto powers over each other. a) Consul b) Aqueduct c) Plebeians d) Disciple 9) The ancient set of laws inscribed on tablets that defined the laws that applied to Roman citizens. a) Consul b) 12 Tables c) Plebeians d) Disciple 10) Members of the wealthier aristocratic class of Rome. a) Consul b) Patricians c) Plebeians d) Disciple 11) Elected officials who represented the plebeians and military. a) Tribune b) Patricians c) Plebeians d) Disciple


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