Phalanges - Bones of the toes, Calcaneus - Heel bone, Talus - Sits on top of the calcaneus bones and connects with the tibia and fibula, Tarsals - Bones that form the heel and ankle joint, Metatarsals - 5 long bones that connect the tarsals to the toes, Tibia - Largest and strongest bone along the front of the leg, Fibula - Smaller and thinner bone of the lower leg, Gastrocnemius - Muscle that forms the bulk of the calf at the back of the lower leg, Soleus - This muscle lies underneath the gastrocnemius, Tibialis anterior - This muscle runs alongside the outside of the tibia, Extensor Digitorium Longus - Long thin muscles in the lower leg that flexes the toes, Extensor Digitorium Hallicus - Deep muscle in the front part of the lower leg running alongside the shinbone. It extends and flexes the ankle, Eponychium - Also known as the cuticle and protects the matrix from dirt and debris, Nail bed - The area below the nail plate, it has a pink appearance due to the blood supply, Peronychium - Soft tissue that surrounds the nail plate, it can be easily damaged and is the site of hangnails, ingrown nails and infection, Cuticle - Skin that protects the matrix from infection, it is important to keep it trimmed back to prevent it growing over the nail plate, Nail plate - Visible nail made up of keratin that sits on top of the nail bed and ends in the free edge, Free edge - Extension of the nail plate that can be filed and shaped, Lunula - Half moon shape located near the cuticle, Hyponychium - The skin beneath the free edge that protects the nail bed from injury, Nail groove - A furrow at the side of the nail which the nail plate moves along with as it grows, Matrix - The living tissue that produces new nail cells, located under the lunula, Nail wall - This provides a framework to support the nail plate and seal the sides to prevent things penetrating under the nail, Proximal nail fold - The eponychium/cuticle grows over this, this is the skin that helps anchor the nail plate to the fingertip,
Pedicure Anatomy
Beauty Therapy Level 2
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