AOG - This abbreviation stands for “aircraft on ground,” and refers to any plane that has a serious maintenance problem that prevents it from taking off., Corrosion - the slow deterioration of the metal surfaces of an aircraft., Rotable - The parts that have unique serial numbers and can be repaired when they are not functioning properly, Expendable - any item that can only be used once to perform aircraft maintenance, Acceleration - Rate of change of velocity, either scalar or vector, often with subscripts such as ENU or XYZ to denote the coordinate frame, Advisory - A signal to indicate safe or normal configuration, condition of performance, operation of essential equipment, or to attract attention and impart information for routine action purposes, AGR Slant Range - Straight-line distance from the aircraft to a point on the ground, Aileron - A control surface on fixed-wing aircraft, usually mounted on the aft edge of wings, that controls roll, and is controlled by the wheel, Air Data Computer - usually measures static pressure, dynamic pressure, and outside air temperature; sometimes computes other atmospheric data, such as indicated airspeed, Mach number, calibrated airspeed, Barometric Altitude - Height with respect to fixed earth reference (above mean sea level), Dead Reckoning - A method of navigation based on basic information (barometric altitude, magnetic heading, airspeed, wind conditions) from best available source, Fix - A determination of one's position based on external data, such as a known terrain point, Ground track angle (GTA) - Direction of ground speed vector with respect to true north, Hough - A standard model for computing earth data, Inertial Navigation System (INS) - consists of gyroscopes and accelerometers to provide attitude, heading, position, attitude, body/inertial velocity, and acceleration information,
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