I am pissed by that, I would opt for living near ocean, there are no train stations in my vicinity, People dump rubbish on the streets , humanity needs to switch over to producing only biodegradable waste, most waste is non-biodegradable , We should segregate our rubbish(=to separate) into clean and dirty, It is considered illegal dumping when any junk, garbage, or debris is left on public property,, Poaching is the illegal hunting or capturing of wild animals, usually associated with land use rights, Deforestation is the purposeful clearing of forested land, which has greatly altered landscapes around the world., Overuse of nonrenewable resources (oil, gas, coal…also known as – fossil fuels) is bad, Growing urbanisation means that a lot of buildings have sprung up, Fashion industry is coming under attack for promoting consumerism and damaging the environment, Carbon footprints is the damage you cause to the planet by using carbon, exhaust fumes contribute(=causes) to the greenhouse effect, to release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, to pose a threat to the environment, to identify smth as an urgent threat, to destroy the livelihoods of people, irreversible climate change is happening now, dire(=very serious or extreme) consequence, to face the consequences, to prepare for consequences, An endangered species is a species that is very likely to become extinct in the near future worldwide, a safety risk to public health, Climate change will wreak havoc on the world's economy., Drought has caused the river to run dry., to identify smth as an urgent threat, the need for urgent action to address., The crisis needs to be addressed, We know we need to reduce oil use, but it will take a lot to make us change our ways(=improve),
Environment - negatives
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