Buddhism - a religion chiefly of eastern and central Asia growing out of the teaching of Gautama Buddha that suffering is inherent in life and that one can be liberated from it by mental and moral self-purification, Shinto - a religion of Japan consisting chiefly in the reverence of the spirits of natural forces, emperors, and heroes, Catholicism - the faith, practice, or system of Catholic Christianity, Protestant - a Christian not of a Catholic or Eastern church, animism - attribution of conscious life to nature as a whole or to inanimate objects, ancestor worship - belief in the continuing presence of the spirit of deceased ancestors, often believed to be able to intervene in matters of the living, monotheism - a doctrine or belief that there is only one deity, polytheism - belief in or worship of more than one god, Eightfold Path - Buddhist tradition which leads to Nirvana and the release from the cycle of suffering, Five Pillars - the fundamental practices of Islam, Confucianism - ancient Chinese belief system focused on personal ethics and morality, Ten Commandments - ten rules given to the Jewish people, and by extension the Christian Church, by God dictating how people should interact with each other, filial piety - respect and obedience to parents, ancestors and leaders as defined by Confucian thought, ritual - an established form for a ceremony, faith - belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion, Islam - a religion dominant in much of Asia and northern Africa since the 7th century that is marked by belief in Allah as the sole deity, in Muhammad as his prophet, and in the Koran,
Intro to World Religions
7th Grade
Social studies
Middle ages
World history
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