: What's the most exciting thing in life right now?, What are you completely bored of in life right now?, If you could teach one subject in school, what would it be?, What's your favorite cocktail? , What one thing do you need to have in your fridge at any given time?, What's one thing you still have from your childhood?, What's your favorite TV show of all time?, If you had a superpower, what would it be?, What's something you can't do?, What's one habit you wish you could break?, Do you have any nicknames?, What makes you laugh no matter what?, What's something you've always wanted to try but you've been too scared to do?, What's your spirit animal?, What's your favorite fashion trend of all time?, Besides your phone and wallet, what's a couple must have purse items?, What's something you will not be doing in 10 years?, Do you believe in karma?, What can you say in another language (not english)?,

73 Questions with Taylor Swift

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