If I deposit money today, it will be available tomorrow., If you need help, the bank will provide support., If she pays the bill online, she will avoid the line., If they open a savings account, they will earn interest., If you forget the password, you can reset it in the app., If the bank approves the loan, we will buy a new car., If he uses the credit card, he will accumulate points., If you lose the card, the bank will issue a new one., If I save money, I will be able to travel on vacation., If she invests in savings, she will have a good return., If you need to withdraw money, use the ATM., If he pays the bill on time, he will avoid high interest., If you deposit money today, will it be available tomorrow?, If she pays her bills online, will she save time?, If they open a savings account, will they earn interest?, If you lose your debit card, will the bank issue a new one?, If he uses his credit card, will he earn reward points?, If we need cash, can we withdraw it from the ATM?, If I save money every month, will I have enough for a vacation?, If she needs help with her account, will the bank assist her?, If he invests in a savings account, will he get a good return?, If you forget your password, can you reset it online?,

Banking and Money - first conditional


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