symbiosis - ecological relationship between members of at least two different species that live in direct contact with one another, parasitism - ecological relationship in which one organism benefits by harming another organism, commenalism - ecological relationship in which one species receives a benefit but the other species is not affected one way or another, predation - the preying of one animal on others, prey - an animal that is caught and killed by another for food, mutualism - ecological relationship between two species in which each species gets a benefit from the interaction, interdependence - the dependence of two or more people or things on each other, biosphere - all organisms and the part of Earth where they exist, ecosystem - collection of organisms and nonliving things, such as climate, soil, water, and rocks, in an area, community - collection of all of the different populations that live in one area, population - all of the individuals of a species that live in the same area and the same time, habitat - combined biotic and abiotic factors found in the area where an organism lives, biotic - living things, such as plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria, abiotic - nonliving factor in an ecosystem, such as moisture, temperature, wind, sunlight, soil, and minerals, niche - the ecological role of an organism in a community especially in regard to food consumption, trophic level - level of nourishment in a food chain, producer - organism that obtains its energy from abiotic sources, such as sunlight or inorganic chemcials, carnivore - organism that obtains energy by eating only animals, predator - an animal that naturally preys on others, omnivore - organism that eats both plants and animals, decomposer - detritivore that breaks down organic matter into simpler compounds, returning nutrients back into an ecosystem, scavenger - an organism that typically feeds on refuse or carrion, nitrogen fixation - process by which certain types of bacteria convert gaseous nitrogen into nitrogen compounds, transpiration - release of vapor through the pores of the skin or the stomata of plant tissue, carrion - the decaying flesh of dead animals,
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