visionary - able to see and plan for the future, decisive - makes decisions quickly and effectively., empathetic - understands and shares the feelings of others., resilient - able to recover quickly from setbacks., charismatic - inspires and attracts others with their charm and enthusiasm., accountable - takes responsibility for their actions and decisions., adaptable - adjusts easily to new conditions or changes., confident - trusts in their abilities and decisions., communicative - clearly conveys ideas and listens well to others., persuasive - able to influence others and gain their support., patient - able to remain calm and composed, even in challenging situations., trustworthy - reliable and deserving of others' trust., selfaware - understands their own strengths and weaknesses., resourceful - able to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties., supportive - provides encouragement and assistance to others., proactive - takes initiative and acts in anticipation of future needs or problems., fairminded - treats everyone equally and without bias., courageous - willing to take risks and face challenges head-on., downtoearth - practical, realistic, and approachable, without pretense or arrogance., determined - strongly committed to achieving goals, even in the face of obstacles or challenges.,
Crossword - Leadership traits
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