What is one thing that you like, and that you're good at? How could you make this into a career?, Name three colleges that you think you could be happy at and why., What is one activity that you would do every day or week, even if nobody ever paid you to do it?, Name one person in your life who you think has a career you think is interesting, and how you think they came to it., As far as you know, is the college system different in the country that your family came from?, BONUS! Spin again for your own question to answer, but first ask someone in the room to answer a college/career question of your choice., What are three things that really matter to you when you're looking for a college that might be a good fit for you., Name three things that you could do just within the next year, that will make your college process easier for you when it's time to apply., What are three things that you would be excited to experience at college?, Name three things that you're nervous about, either for your college application process or for life at college., BONUS! Spin again for your own question to answer, but first ask someone in the room to answer a college/career question of your choice., What's your dream job, if you could do absolutely anything starting tomorrow? , When you were a little kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?, Name every career you've wanted but then changed your mind about, starting as early as you can remember., BONUS! Spin again for your own question to answer, but first ask someone in the room to answer a college/career question of your choice..
College and Career Wheel
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