What is something you wish you had done differently in school?, Is there a time you wish you hadn't said something to someone? What happened?, Can you think of a situation where you should have studied more for an exam? How did it affect you?, Describe a time when you were supposed to meet someone but didn't. What happened?, If you could go back in time, what is one thing you wish you hadn’t done?, Was there a moment when you should have apologized to someone but didn’t? What was the result?, Is there a place you wish you had visited when you had the chance?, Have you ever felt that you could have made a better decision in a relationship? How would things have been different?, Think of a time when you wish you had saved more money. What was the consequence?, Can you recall a situation where you should have listened to advice but didn’t? What happened afterward?, Is there a skill or hobby you wish you had learned earlier in life?, Is there a person you wish you had spent more time with in the past? Why?.

mistakes & regrets in the past

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