City-States - Made up of a major city and the surrounding areas which sometimes included some smaller settlements and citiesAncient ballgame, Step-pyramid - Step pyramids are large pyramids that have steps up all the sides and have an observatory at the top., Hieroglyphs or Glyphs - Simple pictures that represent words, Polytheistic - Believing in many gods, Observatory - Important structures with the movements of celestial bodies, Base 20 Number System - A system that used two symbols, a dot for one, a horizontal bar for five, and a cowry shell for a place holder, Constellation - Pictures or symbols created by the stars, Cultural Diffusion - The spreading out and merging of pieces from different cultures, Stelae - Carvings of hieroglyphics in large stone slabs that tell stories, Codex - An ancient manuscript text in book form., Yucatan - The ________ Peninsula : coastal region with tropical beaches, spectacular wildlife, ancient Mayan ruins, small villages, and adventure activities, Urbanization - The process of making an area more urban, Civilization - share certain common characteristics of religion, job specialization, cities, government, language and writing systems, technology, and social hierarchy., Dresden Code - the oldest known book in the Americas and is an example of technical innovation of writing that supported the rise of the Mayan.,
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