receipt - a piece of paper that shows that goods or services have been paid for, shelf - a flat board, made of wood, metal, glass, etc., fixed to the wall for things to be placed on, till/checkout - the place where you pay for goods in a shop, customer - someone who pays for goods or services, auction website - a website in which people who want to buy something offer increasing amounts of money, take smth back to the shop - if you _______ something _____ to a shop, you return something that you have bought there, for example because it is the wrong size or does not work, try smth on - if you _____ smth ____ you do it to see if it fits and how it looks, suit - if it _______s you if makes you look attractive, fit - if it _____s you it has the right size, items - things on a list of things to buy, chain store - a shop that is one of a series of similar shops owned by the same company, changing room - place where you can try on the clothes, if they fit you, checkout - the place in a shop, especially a large food shop, where you pay for your goods:, shop assistant - person who sells goods, till - a machine which records sales in a shop, and in which money is kept, trolley - a small vehicle with two or four wheels that you push or pull to transport large or heavy objects on:, delivery - man who delivers the goods,
EF PI Unit 4B Shopping - match
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