the last time you played game or sport, a person you met last week, what you had for lunch yesterday, your last holiday, a frightening experience you had, what you did before this class, the last time you went to the cinema, a town or city you lived in when you were a child, a restaurant you went to recently, the house you lived in when you were a child, the last time you went to a park, something interesting you did last week, the last time you woke up late, what you did last weekend, the last time you were bored, the last time you spent a lot of money, the last time you felt very tired, a party you didn't enjoy, a hobby you had as a child, the first time you went abroad, the last time you cooked some food, the last time you walked very far, a holiday you didn't enjoy very much, what you did last night, the last time you went to a beach, the last time you came home late.
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