running record - a written list of everything a child does during a period of time, self-esteem - how you value yourself, anecdotal record - a list of all of a child's behavior related to one topic, aptitudes - special abilities or talents, child development - study of how children master new skills, confidentiality - keeping information private, professional - worker whose job usually requires at least a 4-year degree, subjective observation - recorded notes that include personal observations, developmental tasks - challenges to master during various stages of life, heredity - passing on characteristics from earlier generations, values - what is important to people, adopted children - children who enter a family permanently as a result of a legal process, extended family - a family that includes relatives besides parents and children, emotional maturity - quality that allows people to handle the changes that parenthood brings, parenthood - having responsibility for a child either as a result of birth or a legal process, stepparent - a parent's new spouse, foster children - children in need of a temporary home, nuclear family - family consisting of two parents and at least one child, conscience - inner voice that tells someone what is right and wrong, nurturing - providing encouragement and an enriching environment, time-out - specific technique for dealing with young children's misbehavior, accreditation - formal recognition of the quality of a child care center's care given by a professional organization, deprivation - the lack of an enriching environment, consistency - applying rules in the same way each time, limits - rules designed to keep children from hurting themselves, others, or property, guidance - helping children learn to control their own behavior and showing them right from wrong, license - state document indicating that a caregiver meets health and safety standards, preschool - educational facility for children three to five, abstinence - avoiding sexual activity, paternity - legal process of identifying the father of a child,
Child Dev 1st Semester Final Review A
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