1) What does 'qu' sound like? a) coo b) kw 2) If you hear the /k/ sound at the end of a one-syllable word, how should it be spelled? a) c b) k c) ck 3) What does the suffix -es sound like? a) /z/ b) /iz/ c) /s/ 4) If a base word ends in this letter or pair of letters it needs a suffix -es. a) b, c, d b) f, l, s c) ch, sh, x, s, ss, zz 5) Which groups of letters are examples of welded sounds? a) am, an, all b) a, e, i, o, u c) wh, th, ch, sh, ck 6) What does the welded sound 'all' sound like? a) /al/ b) /ol/ 7) What are digraphs? a) When letters make the short sound b) Bonus letters c) Two letters that make one sound 8) What are the bonus letters? a) qu b) f, l, s c) c, k, ck 9) What does 'x' sound like? a) /ks/ b) /ex/ 10) How many taps would you give when spelling the word 'quick'? a) 5 b) 4 c) 3 11) How do you mark a welded sound? a) circle it b) box it c) underline it 12) Which trick word is spelled wrong? a) does b) shall c) thay 13) What is the correct spelling of the picture? a) duck b) duk 14) What is the correct spelling of the picture? a) bol b) ball 15) What is the mistake in this sentence: max ran to pat the cat. a) word spelled wrong b) forgot to capitalize
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