active listening - Giving the message sender some type of feedback., blaming - A pattern of communication in which people accuse others for everything that goes wrong as a way of preserving their own self-esteem., body language - The expression of thoughts, feelings, and emotions through body movements, such as facial expressions, gestures, and body motions., conflict resolution - A communication skills that encourages a better understanding of the other person's point of view, helping to resolve conflicts in a positive way., I-statements - Expressing thoughts, feelings, and ideas from a personal point of view., negotiation - A communication process in which people alternate between sending and receiving messages for the purpose of reaching a mutually agreeable solution., nonverbal communication - A way of sending and receiving messages without using words, such as through body movements, facial expressions, and eye contact., passive listening - Hearing words without listening for meanings., problem ownership - Identifying the person who is most bothered and affected by a problem., receiver - Hears and interprets the message during communication., reflecting - Repeating in your own words what you think was said., sender - Transmits or sends the message during communication., verbal communication - The use of words as in speaking and writing to send and receive messages.,
Chapter 5: Developing Communication Skills
Family Consumer Science
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