Be honest, given that you’re working from home, how often do you work from bed? How often do you work in your pyjamas?, What is your favorite/embarrassing moment that you have experienced in your zoom meetings so far?, If you had to delete 3 apps from your phone, what would they be? What’s an app you’re embarrassed to have on your phone?, What is your favorite yellow fruit that is not a banana?, If you could eliminate one food so no one would ever have to eat it again, what would you pick?, If you had to eat one meal everyday for the rest of your life what would it be?, If you could remove one season or add one season to a year, what would you pick?, What is your favorite TV show that you don’t think is quite as popular with other people? What is one TV show / movie you’re embarrassed to like?, How would you change your life today if the average life expectancy was 500 years?, If you could hang out with any non-real character, who would you pick and why?, If you could live in any fictional universe, which one would you pick and why?, What is one habit that you have that others might find weird?, If you had all the money in the world, what would you do?, You can have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life, what is it?, If you could be guaranteed one thing in life (besides money), what would it be?, What game show do you think you could win?, What has been on your ‘to-do’ list the longest?, If you could be immortal, what age would you choose to stop aging at and why?, If you could choose any person from history to be your imaginary friend, who would it be and why?, If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why?, If you could go to Mars, would you? Why or why not?, If you could have the power of teleportation right now, where would you go and why?, If you could commit any crime and get away with it what would you choose and why?.
What Career Should I Pick Ice-breakers
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