
Further education Electrical installation


3,331个符合‘fe electrical installation’的搜索结果

Picture Cards 2
Picture Cards 2 寻找匹配项
Transmission Powers
Transmission Powers 标记图表
Electrical Installation Science
Electrical Installation Science 随堂测验
Basic or Fault Protection?
Basic or Fault Protection? 按组分配
Testing Live or Dead?
Testing Live or Dead? 按组分配
Electronic Components
Electronic Components 标记图表
Conductor or Insulator?
Conductor or Insulator? 按组分配
Earth Fault Loop Impedance
Earth Fault Loop Impedance 完成句子
Electrical Installation
Electrical Installation 随堂测验
Correction Factors
Correction Factors 匹配游戏
Health & Safety Acronyms (Abbreviations)
Health & Safety Acronyms (Abbreviations) 匹配游戏
Electric Shower Labelling
Electric Shower Labelling 标记图表
Solar Set Up
Solar Set Up 标记图表
Switching 按组分配
Continuity of protective conductors
Continuity of protective conductors 完成句子
Insulation Resistance
Insulation Resistance 完成句子
Fault Types
Fault Types 匹配游戏
Testing Order
Testing Order 匹配游戏
Green or not Energy
Green or not Energy 按组分配
Name that Tool
Name that Tool 寻找匹配项
Motor Labelling
Motor Labelling 标记图表
Match up PPE
Match up PPE 匹配游戏
 Electrical Circuits
Electrical Circuits 标记图表
Lock off procedure
Lock off procedure 完成句子
Meters and Connections
Meters and Connections 按组分配
Health and Saftey L2
Health and Saftey L2 匹配游戏
Protective Devices True or False
Protective Devices True or False 真假游戏
Symbols of Fire
Symbols of Fire 匹配游戏
Electrical Dangers
Electrical Dangers 按组分配
Cable Type True or False
Cable Type True or False 真假游戏
Flemings Right Hand Rule
Flemings Right Hand Rule 标记图表
Sine Wave Descriptors
Sine Wave Descriptors 配对游戏
Electrical circuit match up
Electrical circuit match up 匹配游戏
Responsibilities 按组分配
Health and safety hazardous substances
Health and safety hazardous substances 随堂测验
Why is health and safety important?
Why is health and safety important? 按组分配
Health and safety symbols
Health and safety symbols 寻找匹配项
Addition and Subtraction
Addition and Subtraction 匹配游戏
Electrical Words Definitions
Electrical Words Definitions 匹配游戏
Electrical Words Definitions
Electrical Words Definitions 匹配游戏
Electrical Conductors and Insulators
Electrical Conductors and Insulators 按组分配
H&S Test 3
H&S Test 3 随堂测验
Unit 202 Health and safety
Unit 202 Health and safety 匹配游戏
Regular verbs 2
Regular verbs 2 按组分配
I am/ it is
I am/ it is 按组分配
Block 2
Block 2 随机卡
Electrical Components
Electrical Components 配对游戏
Words 7.2
Words 7.2 随机卡
Questions 随堂测验
H&S Test 1
H&S Test 1 随堂测验
The Stars
The Stars 随堂测验
Leg muscles
Leg muscles 标记图表