
Greek as a foreign language


10,000+个符合‘greek as a foreign language’的搜索结果

Per parlare di te.
Per parlare di te. 随机卡
Τι κάνει/κάνουν;
Τι κάνει/κάνουν; 匹配游戏
Cosa credi sia successo? Loescher IT2 livello B2
Cosa credi sia successo? Loescher IT2 livello B2 随机卡
Le presento il Sig.Rossi Loescher IT2 Livello B
Le presento il Sig.Rossi Loescher IT2 Livello B 随机卡
Национальности - Точка ру revision
Национальности - Точка ру revision 拼字游戏
Город 寻找匹配项
Verb "to be" - Negative and question forms
Verb "to be" - Negative and question forms 随堂测验
Be or Do?
Be or Do? 按组分配
 Do VS Be verbs
Do VS Be verbs 按组分配
Η οικογένεια
Η οικογένεια 匹配游戏
Национальности - Точка ру №3
Национальности - Точка ру №3 寻找匹配项
basic verbs
basic verbs 完成句子
Capital Letters
Capital Letters 随堂测验
To be verb
To be verb 句子排列
Giocando si impara IT2 Loescher B1 e B2
Giocando si impara IT2 Loescher B1 e B2 随机卡
Откуда вы? Where are you from?
Откуда вы? Where are you from? 寻找匹配项
Игрá "В кафé" + roleplay
Игрá "В кафé" + roleplay 随机卡
Вопрóсы-реáкции. Тóчка ру. Unit 4.3. Одежда
Вопрóсы-реáкции. Тóчка ру. Unit 4.3. Одежда 随机轮盘
SUMMER vocabulary
SUMMER vocabulary 标记图表
Comparatives 句子排列
Dependent prepositions
Dependent prepositions 完成句子
Συλλαβισμός 随堂测验
Present Simple, Adverbs of frequency - missing words
Present Simple, Adverbs of frequency - missing words 完成句子
English Language
English Language 随机轮盘
Daily Routine
Daily Routine 完成句子
Article Writing
Article Writing 问答游戏
Article Layout
Article Layout 标记图表
Find the Misplaced Modifiers
Find the Misplaced Modifiers 真假游戏
Conditionals :D
Conditionals :D 匹配游戏
Shopping phrases
Shopping phrases 句子排列
high frequency verbs
high frequency verbs 句子排列
Easter Egg-pun-game
Easter Egg-pun-game 匹配游戏
New Year
New Year 找词游戏
'Wh' Questions
'Wh' Questions 随堂测验
Warm up activity wh-questions
Warm up activity wh-questions 匹配游戏
Video Games - reading comprehension
Video Games - reading comprehension 匹配游戏
Present Simple
Present Simple 完成句子
Antonyms 问答游戏
Greek alphabet and sounds 1 PLUS
Greek alphabet and sounds 1 PLUS 随堂测验
to be - το ρήμα είμαι
to be - το ρήμα είμαι 随堂测验
Φαγητά και άρθρα
Φαγητά και άρθρα 按组分配
Cat Quiz - Spin the wheel
Cat Quiz - Spin the wheel 随机轮盘
Cat Adjectives - Wordsearch
Cat Adjectives - Wordsearch 找词游戏
Μέλλοντας Προτάσεις
Μέλλοντας Προτάσεις 匹配游戏
Απόλυτα αριθμητικά
Απόλυτα αριθμητικά 随堂测验
Adverbs of frequency - talk about yourself - True or False?
Adverbs of frequency - talk about yourself - True or False? 随机卡
Ψ και Φ
Ψ και Φ 按组分配