
Key Stage 1 Mathematics Subtraction Addition


10,000+个符合‘ks1 maths subtraction addition’的搜索结果

Subtraction and Addition word sort
Subtraction and Addition word sort 按组分配
Addition to 10 Balloon Pop
Addition to 10 Balloon Pop 刺破气球
 addition subtraction match up
addition subtraction match up 匹配游戏
Addition and Subtraction worksheet
Addition and Subtraction worksheet 匹配游戏
subtraction facts to 10 flip tiles
subtraction facts to 10 flip tiles 寻找匹配项
addition matching
addition matching 匹配游戏
addition subtraction match up v2
addition subtraction match up v2 匹配游戏
addition subtraction match up
addition subtraction match up 匹配游戏
numbers 1-5 matching
numbers 1-5 matching 配对游戏
Height and length-GD
Height and length-GD 随堂测验
Ordering Units of Time
Ordering Units of Time 排序练习
What can you see? 3 or not 3?
What can you see? 3 or not 3? 真假游戏
How many?
How many? 随机轮盘
Random wheel1 numbers 1 - 20
Random wheel1 numbers 1 - 20 随机轮盘
match teen numbers with numicon
match teen numbers with numicon 寻找匹配项
What time is it?- o'clock only
What time is it?- o'clock only 随堂测验
number names and numerals to 20
number names and numerals to 20 寻找匹配项
Gsorting 2D and 3D shapes
Gsorting 2D and 3D shapes 按组分配
Dates 匹配游戏
由 匿名
Number bonds to 10 match up KS1
Number bonds to 10 match up KS1 匹配游戏
Adding to 20
Adding to 20 随堂测验
Fraction sort 2
Fraction sort 2 按组分配
0-10 spinner
0-10 spinner 随机轮盘
Days of the Week
Days of the Week 随堂测验
Number Bonds to 10
Number Bonds to 10 寻找匹配项
Odd and Even Numbers
Odd and Even Numbers 随堂测验
Two digit number wheel
Two digit number wheel 随机轮盘
Are these doubles or not doubles?
Are these doubles or not doubles? 真假游戏
ordinal number match up
ordinal number match up 匹配游戏
0-20 spinner
0-20 spinner 随机轮盘
Matching pairs shapes
Matching pairs shapes 配对游戏
Practice Reading Weight in Grams and Kilograms
Practice Reading Weight in Grams and Kilograms 随堂测验
Year 2 maths quiz
Year 2 maths quiz 随堂测验
sorting odd and even numbers
sorting odd and even numbers 按组分配
Time chase
Time chase 迷宫追逐
Days of the week
Days of the week 排序练习
o'clock and half past
o'clock and half past 随堂测验
number recognition
number recognition 寻找匹配项
2 times tables
2 times tables 匹配游戏
3d shape quiz
3d shape quiz 随堂测验
length and height
length and height 随堂测验
Fractions quiz
Fractions quiz 随堂测验
Shape Quiz
Shape Quiz 随堂测验
days of the week search
days of the week search 找词游戏
Telling the time
Telling the time 匹配游戏
within 50- tens and ones match up
within 50- tens and ones match up 匹配游戏
early numeracy (using match up)
early numeracy (using match up) 匹配游戏
Telling the Time
Telling the Time 匹配游戏
Arian 配对游戏
days months time quiz
days months time quiz 随堂测验
Months of the year- Spellings
Months of the year- Spellings 拼字游戏