
Key Stage 2 Mathematics Probability


10,000+个符合‘ks2 maths probability’的搜索结果

Probability Gr 1&2
Probability Gr 1&2 寻找匹配项
Probability Gr 3
Probability Gr 3 按组分配
Rounding 随堂测验
Match up fractions to decimals
Match up fractions to decimals 匹配游戏
Three digit number
Three digit number 随机轮盘
Multiplying Decimals
Multiplying Decimals 寻找匹配项
Match-Up Angles
Match-Up Angles 匹配游戏
angles quiz
angles quiz 随堂测验
Quadrilateral sort
Quadrilateral sort 按组分配
what is the time? updated
what is the time? updated 随堂测验
1-50 Bingo
1-50 Bingo 随机轮盘
Perimeter 2
Perimeter 2 随堂测验
Estimating length match up game
Estimating length match up game 匹配游戏
7 times table
7 times table 匹配游戏
Algebra match up
Algebra match up 匹配游戏
Match Up fractions to percentages
Match Up fractions to percentages 匹配游戏
Match up1 capacity and measure
Match up1 capacity and measure 匹配游戏
Units of measurements (with decimals)
Units of measurements (with decimals) 真假游戏
equivalent fractions match up
equivalent fractions match up 匹配游戏
Bar Chart Labelling
Bar Chart Labelling 标记图表
Place Value - Value of digits
Place Value - Value of digits 随堂测验
find fractions of amounts
find fractions of amounts 匹配游戏
equivalent fractions
equivalent fractions 按组分配
Place value ten thousands
Place value ten thousands 寻找匹配项
Compass 8 points
Compass 8 points 标记图表
Measurement with rulers, millimetres and decimals
Measurement with rulers, millimetres and decimals 标记图表
Addition match up
Addition match up 匹配游戏
4 compass points
4 compass points 标记图表
3 times tables quiz
3 times tables quiz 随堂测验
Multiply by 10 and 100
Multiply by 10 and 100 打地鼠
7 and 8 times tables
7 and 8 times tables 随堂测验
matching place value 5 digits
matching place value 5 digits 匹配游戏
Time quiz
Time quiz 随堂测验
rounding money
rounding money 寻找匹配项
Equivalent fractions, true or false
Equivalent fractions, true or false 真假游戏
Flip tiles (9 times table)
Flip tiles (9 times table) 寻找匹配项
Angles Quiz
Angles Quiz 随堂测验
Quadrilaterals 打地鼠
Metric Measurements Quiz
Metric Measurements Quiz 随堂测验
Roman numerals
Roman numerals 寻找匹配项
fractions 问答游戏
AM or PM?
AM or PM? 按组分配
multiplying by 100
multiplying by 100 寻找匹配项
2D and 3D shape match up
2D and 3D shape match up 匹配游戏
2 x Times Table
2 x Times Table 随堂测验
7 times table quiz
7 times table quiz 随堂测验
Capacity Quiz
Capacity Quiz 随堂测验
Which is the equivalent fraction?
Which is the equivalent fraction? 随堂测验
Probability sorting
Probability sorting 按组分配
Angles Group sort
Angles Group sort 按组分配
Time Match up
Time Match up 匹配游戏
Quiz types of angles
Quiz types of angles 随堂测验