
3-й класс Spotlight 4


10,000+个符合‘3 класс spotlight 4’的搜索结果

Spotlight (4) This/that
Spotlight (4) This/that 随堂测验
To Be Not. Burgers
To Be Not. Burgers 随堂测验
TO BE 随堂测验
To Be
To Be 随机卡
Spotlight 4 2b numbers
Spotlight 4 2b numbers 拼字游戏
don't/doesn't 按组分配
Present Simple VS Present Continuous
Present Simple VS Present Continuous 随堂测验
Spotlight 3, 2 demonstratives  this-that указательные местоимения
Spotlight 3, 2 demonstratives this-that указательные местоимения 随堂测验
 To be - am, is, are +, -
To be - am, is, are +, - 随堂测验
SPOTLIGHT _ 3 _ 3B 随堂测验
Present Simple. Time. in the Morning/Afternoon/Evening
Present Simple. Time. in the Morning/Afternoon/Evening 随机卡
Irregular plurals
Irregular plurals 匹配游戏
5а. He loves jelly!!
5а. He loves jelly!! 拼字游戏
Numbers I spy numbers 10-100
Numbers I spy numbers 10-100 标记图表
Numbers: 11 to 100  var 1
Numbers: 11 to 100 var 1 匹配游戏
Irregular plurals with pictures
Irregular plurals with pictures 匹配游戏
have you got?
have you got? 句子排列
Personal pronouns
Personal pronouns 随堂测验
Family members
Family members 随堂测验
Question words
Question words 随堂测验
Present Continuous (image quiz)
Present Continuous (image quiz) 图像测验
Sp3, M5  4test Plural Irregular nouns - different
Sp3, M5 4test Plural Irregular nouns - different 随堂测验
Major countries of the world (Find the match)
Major countries of the world (Find the match) 寻找匹配项
have got has got/ hasn't got haven't got /am is are/ am not isn't aren't
have got has got/ hasn't got haven't got /am is are/ am not isn't aren't 随堂测验
Colours 寻找匹配项
In your opinion...
In your opinion... 随机卡
Can can't
Can can't 闪存卡
 Present Simple and Past Simple
Present Simple and Past Simple 随堂测验
Spotlight 3, 4 Present Simple or Present Continuous
Spotlight 3, 4 Present Simple or Present Continuous 完成句子
FF 3 Unit 15
FF 3 Unit 15 标记图表
 Family and friends 3 unit 4
Family and friends 3 unit 4 随堂测验
Academy stars 3 Unit 6
Academy stars 3 Unit 6 匹配游戏
Притяжательные местоимения
Притяжательные местоимения 匹配游戏
SM3 Unit 4 going to
SM3 Unit 4 going to 匹配游戏
FF3 Unit 5 Words ANAGRAM
FF3 Unit 5 Words ANAGRAM 拼字游戏
Santa questions PrSimple
Santa questions PrSimple 随机卡
SS GG1 U3 furniture and house
SS GG1 U3 furniture and house 随堂测验
Academy Stars 3 Unit 1 At school
Academy Stars 3 Unit 1 At school 匹配游戏
Вопросительные слова
Вопросительные слова 匹配游戏
To Be Not
To Be Not 随机卡
Spotlight 3-4 To be - am, is, are +, -
Spotlight 3-4 To be - am, is, are +, - 随堂测验
Irregular plurals Особые случаи множественного числа
Irregular plurals Особые случаи множественного числа 真假游戏
Days of the week
Days of the week 闪存卡
AS 3 Unit 4 How much/ How many ?
AS 3 Unit 4 How much/ How many ? 按组分配
Animals can/can't
Animals can/can't 随堂测验
Spotlight 3 Module 5a
Spotlight 3 Module 5a 寻找匹配项
Numbers 10-20 anagram
Numbers 10-20 anagram 拼字游戏
AS 3 Unit 4 Countable/Uncountable
AS 3 Unit 4 Countable/Uncountable 按组分配
Verbs Spotlight 4 (part1)
Verbs Spotlight 4 (part1) 匹配游戏
Days of the week
Days of the week 填字游戏
Days of the week
Days of the week 输赢测验
Days of the week
Days of the week 寻找匹配项
Present Simple am / is / are (Missing Words)
Present Simple am / is / are (Missing Words) 完成句子
3 класс Present Simple
3 класс Present Simple 随堂测验
Colors 匹配游戏
Вспоминаем таблицу умножения и порядок действий. 3 класс
Вспоминаем таблицу умножения и порядок действий. 3 класс 按组分配
There is there are
There is there are 标记图表
Time- clock: a quarter past
Time- clock: a quarter past 随机轮盘
Трёхзначные числа. Разряды.
Трёхзначные числа. Разряды. 随堂测验