
Past Simple Vs past cont


10,000+个符合‘past simple vs past cont’的搜索结果

SM4_Unit 3_PS vs PC
SM4_Unit 3_PS vs PC 按组分配
SM5_unit 1_PS vs PC
SM5_unit 1_PS vs PC 问答游戏
past simple vs past continuous
past simple vs past continuous 开箱游戏
Present Perfect or Past Simple
Present Perfect or Past Simple 随堂测验
past simple vs past continuous
past simple vs past continuous 随机卡
SM4_unit 4_PSvs PC_revision
SM4_unit 4_PSvs PC_revision 闪存卡
Present Perfect vs Past Simple
Present Perfect vs Past Simple 随堂测验
SM4_unit 3_PSvsPC
SM4_unit 3_PSvsPC 随机卡
EO4_unit 2_present perfect vs past simple
EO4_unit 2_present perfect vs past simple 按组分配
SM4_unit 3_PrCont vs Past Cont
SM4_unit 3_PrCont vs Past Cont 随机卡
Present/Past/Future Simple маркери часу
Present/Past/Future Simple маркери часу 按组分配
Past Simple/Past Continuous
Past Simple/Past Continuous 句子排列
past simple or past continuous
past simple or past continuous 句子排列
Past Simple vs Past Continuous
Past Simple vs Past Continuous 完成句子
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple 随机卡
be past unj
be past unj 句子排列
Past Simple vs Past Continuous
Past Simple vs Past Continuous 随堂测验
Present Perfect - Past Simple  [ ? ]
Present Perfect - Past Simple [ ? ] 闪存卡
GW5U4_PresentS_PastS_regular 随堂测验
10 Past simple questions
10 Past simple questions 问答游戏
Past simple grammar
Past simple grammar 完成句子
35 Past simple irregular verbs
35 Past simple irregular verbs 开箱游戏
Past and Present Simple
Past and Present Simple 随堂测验
EF_PreInt_unit 4B_grammar_PrPerf vs PS
EF_PreInt_unit 4B_grammar_PrPerf vs PS 按组分配
EO4_unit 2_present perfect vs past simple_adverbs of frequency
EO4_unit 2_present perfect vs past simple_adverbs of frequency 按组分配
EO3_unit 3_PRPerf vs PS
EO3_unit 3_PRPerf vs PS 随机卡
Friends 2_unit 18_P.S. vs Pr Perf
Friends 2_unit 18_P.S. vs Pr Perf 按组分配
Doctor Brown - what did he do yesterday?
Doctor Brown - what did he do yesterday? 随堂测验
Past Simple or Past Continous
Past Simple or Past Continous 完成句子
Present simple + frequency
Present simple + frequency 句子排列
Quiz Present Perfect (+/-)
Quiz Present Perfect (+/-) 随堂测验
Past Simple (warming up)
Past Simple (warming up) 闪存卡
Warming up (past simple)
Warming up (past simple) 闪存卡
Past Simple
Past Simple 随堂测验
Was Were Spotlight 5, Module 9a
Was Were Spotlight 5, Module 9a 随堂测验
past simple regular (+, - , ?)
past simple regular (+, - , ?) 开箱游戏
Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs 随机卡
Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs 打地鼠
What did you do? (Present Simple, Future Simple, Past Simple, Present Cont, Past Cont, Present Perfect)
What did you do? (Present Simple, Future Simple, Past Simple, Present Cont, Past Cont, Present Perfect) 随机卡
Enjoy English 4 - Irregular Verbs 2
Enjoy English 4 - Irregular Verbs 2 完成句子
Project 2 Unit 3 Translate into English (Past Simple)
Project 2 Unit 3 Translate into English (Past Simple) 随机卡
Friends 2_unit 18_Crazy detectives_ever, never
Friends 2_unit 18_Crazy detectives_ever, never 按组分配
Spotlight 4, Module 7 Test
Spotlight 4, Module 7 Test 随堂测验
Prepare 1. Regular verbs, past forms
Prepare 1. Regular verbs, past forms 填字游戏
Winter Holidays
Winter Holidays 随机卡
TO BE in Past Simple
TO BE in Past Simple 真假游戏
Past Simple negative & interrogative forms
Past Simple negative & interrogative forms 句子排列
Past Simple irregular verbs
Past Simple irregular verbs 完成句子
was were
was were 随堂测验
Past Simple. Did / -ed
Past Simple. Did / -ed 完成句子
Past Simple
Past Simple 随堂测验
Указатели Past Simple
Указатели Past Simple 闪存卡
Past simple (+,-)
Past simple (+,-) 句子排列