
Past Simple Any age


10,000+个符合‘past simple any age’的搜索结果

Present Simple or Past Simple?
Present Simple or Past Simple? 随堂测验
Present Simple vs Past Simple key words
Present Simple vs Past Simple key words 按组分配
Past 随堂测验
Past Events
Past Events 句子排列
Past time phrases
Past time phrases 随机卡
Smart Junior 4. Past Events
Smart Junior 4. Past Events 句子排列
Simple Past Tense (Regular Verbs)
Simple Past Tense (Regular Verbs) 随堂测验
Fly High 4. Lesson 9
Fly High 4. Lesson 9 完成句子
Listening irr verbs
Listening irr verbs 按组分配
 Present, Past, Future simple
Present, Past, Future simple 随堂测验
Irregular verbs make - sleep
Irregular verbs make - sleep 匹配游戏
Past Simple 4th grade
Past Simple 4th grade 完成句子
Past simple questions
Past simple questions 随机轮盘
Past Simple (negative form )
Past Simple (negative form ) 开箱游戏
Irregular Verbs
Irregular Verbs 配对游戏
Past Simple. Questions
Past Simple. Questions 随机卡
Past Simple speaking
Past Simple speaking 随机轮盘
Smart Junior 4. Smart Kids 3
Smart Junior 4. Smart Kids 3 完成句子
Past Simple (Holidays and Festivals)
Past Simple (Holidays and Festivals) 随堂测验
Past Simple regular verbs
Past Simple regular verbs 随机卡
Wasn't or didn't
Wasn't or didn't 完成句子
Past simple questions
Past simple questions 随堂测验
Grammar 1 | past simple
Grammar 1 | past simple 寻找匹配项
Past simple correct the mistakes
Past simple correct the mistakes 闪存卡
Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs 寻找匹配项
Past simple
Past simple 匹配游戏
Irregular Verbs (FH 3 )
Irregular Verbs (FH 3 ) 随堂测验
Regular verbs, -ed
Regular verbs, -ed 寻找匹配项
Full Blast 5 Irregular verbs 2
Full Blast 5 Irregular verbs 2 匹配游戏
Past Simple regular
Past Simple regular 随机卡
Past Simple: to be
Past Simple: to be 句子排列
Questions Past Simple /Continuous
Questions Past Simple /Continuous 随机轮盘
Simple past
Simple past 问答游戏
Smart Junior 4. Module 3
Smart Junior 4. Module 3 随堂测验
PAST SIMPLE Speaking questions 29
PAST SIMPLE Speaking questions 29 随机轮盘
Past Simple Questions
Past Simple Questions 随机卡
PAST SIMPLE Speaking questions 28
PAST SIMPLE Speaking questions 28 随机轮盘
BEP3 Unit 5: Is/are and was/were
BEP3 Unit 5: Is/are and was/were 随堂测验
past simple, regular verbs
past simple, regular verbs 配对游戏
Past Simple regular verbs
Past Simple regular verbs 随机卡
Discussion questions past simple
Discussion questions past simple 随机卡
Is there/Are there
Is there/Are there 随机轮盘
Describe what happened (past simple)A1
Describe what happened (past simple)A1 闪存卡
Past simple regular verbs
Past simple regular verbs 随机轮盘
Fly High 4. Lesson 6-7
Fly High 4. Lesson 6-7 随堂测验
Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs 匹配游戏
Irregular verbs (do, get, go, have)
Irregular verbs (do, get, go, have) 完成句子
Speaking: Past Simple
Speaking: Past Simple 随机卡
Past simple
Past simple 句子排列
BEP3 Unit 5 Was/were
BEP3 Unit 5 Was/were 完成句子
Was were
Was were 打地鼠
PAST SIMPLE Speaking 30
PAST SIMPLE Speaking 30 随机轮盘
Past Simple speaking adults
Past Simple speaking adults 随机卡
Passive Voice
Passive Voice 句子排列
Talking about last holiday
Talking about last holiday 随机卡
Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs 闪存卡
Prepare 5 NUS Unit 20 Past Simple
Prepare 5 NUS Unit 20 Past Simple 完成句子
Irregular verbs see - throw
Irregular verbs see - throw 匹配游戏