
Closed syllable


152个符合‘closed syllable’的搜索结果

 Open syllable / Closed syllable Sort
Open syllable / Closed syllable Sort 按组分配
Плахотник 5, lessons 1-4
Плахотник 5, lessons 1-4 随机轮盘
closed syllable
closed syllable 随堂测验
Closed syllable "A"
Closed syllable "A" 打地鼠
Closed syllable: Aa /eɪ/
Closed syllable: Aa /eɪ/ 随机卡
Open syllable / Closed syllable_Group sort
Open syllable / Closed syllable_Group sort 按组分配
Open  and closed syllable
Open and closed syllable 按组分配
Closed syllable "i"
Closed syllable "i" 打地鼠
Open syllable / Closed syllable_Group sort
Open syllable / Closed syllable_Group sort 按组分配
Uu closed syllable
Uu closed syllable 随堂测验
Phonics e (closed syllable)
Phonics e (closed syllable) 闪存卡
Reading. Closed syllable: Aa /eɪ/
Reading. Closed syllable: Aa /eɪ/ 随机卡
Reading "u" in closed syllable
Reading "u" in closed syllable 随机卡
Open or Closed syllable "e"
Open or Closed syllable "e" 按组分配
Aa in a closed syllable.
Aa in a closed syllable. 随机卡
Open or Closed syllable "O"
Open or Closed syllable "O" 按组分配
Open or Closed syllable "u"
Open or Closed syllable "u" 按组分配
Open or Closed syllable "y"
Open or Closed syllable "y" 按组分配
Reading: Ii in a closed syllable.
Reading: Ii in a closed syllable. 随机卡
Reading: Uu /ʌ/ in a closed syllable
Reading: Uu /ʌ/ in a closed syllable 随机卡
Reading: Ii in a closed syllable.
Reading: Ii in a closed syllable. 随机卡
Reading: Ii in a closed syllable.
Reading: Ii in a closed syllable. 随机卡
Reading: Oo /ɒ/ in a closed syllable
Reading: Oo /ɒ/ in a closed syllable 随机卡
Reading: Oo /ɒ/ in a closed syllable
Reading: Oo /ɒ/ in a closed syllable 随机卡
Reading: Uu /ʌ/ in a closed syllable
Reading: Uu /ʌ/ in a closed syllable 随机卡
A, I, E, O, U open/closed syllable
A, I, E, O, U open/closed syllable 按组分配
The letter Ee /e/ in a closed syllable.
The letter Ee /e/ in a closed syllable. 开箱游戏
The letter Aa /æ/ in a closed syllable.
The letter Aa /æ/ in a closed syllable. 随机卡
Rules for reading vowels in a closed syllable
Rules for reading vowels in a closed syllable 翻卡片
The letter Oo /ɒ/ in a closed syllable.
The letter Oo /ɒ/ in a closed syllable. 开箱游戏
The letter Oo /ɒ/ in a closed syllable.
The letter Oo /ɒ/ in a closed syllable. 随机卡
Reading Ii in a closed and an open syllable. Start up 2
Reading Ii in a closed and an open syllable. Start up 2 匹配游戏
Syllable 拼字游戏
closed/open 按组分配